The Armored Titan Attacks is a standout in the Attack on Titan Battle for Humanity set. For fans of the series, this card...
BykhanSeptember 4, 2024The Beast Titan’s Call alt art card is a powerful and visually striking piece from the Attack on Titan: Battle for Humanity set....
BykhanSeptember 3, 2024The Ravages of War alt art card is a gripping addition to the Attack on Titan: Battle for Humanity set that has taken...
BykhanSeptember 2, 2024The Colossus Titan Attacks is one of the standout cards from the Attack on Titan: Battle for Humanity set that recently dropped, and...
BykhanAugust 30, 2024Change of Plans Alt Art is one of those cards that makes your skin crawl, in the best possible way. The artwork shows...
BykhanAugust 29, 2024The Colossus’s Steam Barrier alt art is a part of the Attack On Titan Battle For Humanity Set. The set is gearing up...
BykhanAugust 15, 2024The highly anticipated Fortitude of the Armored Titan alt art card is set to drop on August 16th, and the buzz in the...
BykhanAugust 12, 2024High-Speed Dive is part of the Attack on Titan: Battle for Humanity set. This set is set to release in just a few...
BykhanAugust 12, 2024The Fortitude of the Armored Titan is part of the upcoming Attack on Titan Battle for Humanity CCG set. The creative minds at...
BykhanAugust 10, 2024Destructive Slam is part of the Godzilla Challenger series Ever since the release of the Godzilla CCG, the fandom online has been buzzing...
BykhanAugust 8, 2024The Multiple Bites card is another exciting addition to the Godzilla collectible card game (CCG) series. Featuring the fearsome duo of Rodan and...
BykhanAugust 7, 2024