godzilla challenger series

Rodan Giant Monster Of The Sky Alt Art From Godzilla Challenger Series

Rodan Giant Monster Of The Sky Alt Art
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The Rodan, Giant Monster of the Sky alt art is part of the Godzilla Challenger Series, which released just a few weeks ago.

Ever since its debut, the set has been grabbing the attention of the Godzilla fandom. UVS Games managed to pull off a great move by introducing these Godzilla cards; we’ve never had cards of this quality before.

All the illustrations look amazing, and some cards are even selling for as high as $100! One such card is the Rodan, Giant Monster of the Sky alt art, and we’re here to find out why it’s so popular. So let’s jump right in!


Rodan, one of the iconic kaiju from the Godzilla universe, made a significant appearance in the 2019 movie “Godzilla: King of the Monsters.” This massive pterosaur-like creature is known for its fiery powers and supersonic speed.

Throughout the series, Rodan has been both an ally and a foe to Godzilla, adding depth to its character.


Did you know that Rodan’s wings are so powerful they can create hurricane-force winds? In the Godzilla universe, Rodan’s flight speed can reach Mach 1.5, making it one of the fastest kaiju.

This incredible speed and power make Rodan a formidable foe and a thrilling addition to any Godzilla card collection!


Rodan Giant Monster Of The Sky Alt Art

The card shows the terrifying kaiju perched atop a snowy cliff, which is quite unusual since Rodan typically nests in volcanoes!

The card depicts Rodan letting out a nasty screech; while we can’t hear the sound, the illustration makes us feel it. That’s how good the artwork is!


As of writing this blog, the Rodan, Giant Monster of the Sky alt art is going for a whopping $180.

It is one of the most popular cards in the set, which is surprising given that Rodan is often seen as a lackey to King Ghidorah. But here it is, outshining even the master!

Recommended – The Mechagodzilla Bionic Menace From Godzilla Challenger Series

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