The Godzilla, King of the Monsters card is a star player in the Godzilla Challenger series. This set dropped just a few weeks...
BykhanJuly 23, 2024Say hello to the latest star in the Godzilla Challenger series—Supersonic Flight! This card, featuring the magnificent Rodan, is quickly winning hearts with...
BykhanJuly 22, 2024Monster Zero is a standout card from the Godzilla Challenger series, which recently hit store shelves. This set includes some of the best...
BykhanJuly 21, 2024The Tri Gravity Beam is part of the Godzilla Challenger series, which was released just a few weeks ago. Ever since, the set...
BykhanJuly 20, 2024“Death From Above” is part of the Godzilla Challenger series that hit store shelves a few weeks ago. This series boasts some incredibly...
BykhanJuly 19, 2024The Rodan, Giant Monster of the Sky alt art is part of the Godzilla Challenger Series, which released just a few weeks ago....
BykhanJuly 16, 2024The Mechagodzilla Bionic Menace is a card from the Godzilla Challenger Series, which released just a few weeks ago. When fans heard that...
BykhanJuly 15, 2024The King Ghidorah, Emperor of the Cosmos, is part of the Godzilla Challenger Series, which was released just a few weeks ago. Ever...
BykhanJuly 11, 2024